Buffett Babies?

August 11, 2010 at 3:02 pm 2 comments

Tomorrow, in Pittsburgh, the Parrot Heads will congregate at StarLake. I’ve lost count of the concerts, but it’s at least my 22nd time to see Jimmy Buffett. (23 if you count the time I shook his hand and said hello on 6th Street in downtown Pittsburgh, when I happened to see him on my lunch hour.)

I’ve been going with pretty much the same friends all these years. And, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later. Drum roll and a short one. This year. August 12, 2010. We are about to introduce some of the next generation to the parking lot. For the girls, a few tips.

1. Eat a good, absorbent breakfast.

2. Wear sun screen and a hat–preferably a straw hat with tropical flowers, plastic hamburgers, or even a game of ring toss on it.  

3. Bring toilet paper. If you’re going to use the porta-johns, learn to hover. If you’re going to use the woods, you’re going to need superhuman balance by the end of the day and shorts or a skirt that aren’t too complicated. You’re probably going to pee on your shoes.

4. Speaking of shoes, wear comfortable ones. Ones that do not require superhuman balance, ones you can walk around in all day, ones you don’t really care if you trash (or give away).

5. You can’t take any alcohol into the concert. Or can you? 20-some years running, I have carried in a beer. And, one year, two oranges injected with vodka. (The gate attendant not only let me in that year, I think he had a crush on me.)

6. Don’t buy a souvenir T-shirt inside the concert. First, they’re ridiculously expensive and you’ll either forget it on the lawn or have to carry it around all night. It’s illegal to sell knock-off T-shirts in the parking lot, and security keeps an eye out. So, as you’re buying one, keep it low-key.

7. There are two ways to approach the concert:  Go all out and build an attraction around your parking space. Or, travel light and go sight-seeing. Either way, get to the parking lot early. (And ignore all the warnings on the radio the day before the concert when they tell you the gates won’t open early.)

8. Lots of beer. Lots of ice.

9. The fun seats are the lawn seats. You’ll want a blanket, not so much to sit on but to mark your territory on the hill. It’s going to get crowded. Most people will be super friendly and loads of fun. However, there are about 2 people per 100 who are lightweight a-holes. They may sit behind you. Remember that puke and pee run downhill.

9b. Don’t be a lightweight a-hole.

9c. We’ll take care of you no matter what.

9d. But don’t be a lightweight a-hole.

10. Hydrate. And, if you have a friend who doesn’t hydrate and makes fun of you for doing so, don’t make too much fun of her when she gets carted off to the hospital. (Love you Nancy.)

11. You will be asked, many times, to “show us your tits.” It’s your call.

12. Bring cheap sunglasses. They will get stepped on, sat on, danced on, and probably conga-lined on.

13. Soon as you park, memorize your parking area. Write it on your arm if you have to. (Brain cells will die this day.)

14. Bring a chair and a koozie.  

15. If you show up in jeans, wearing heels, sans Hawaiian accessories, carrying a purse, in a state of extreme sobriety, or worried about working the next morning, we will make fun of you all day. (Also, if you show up appropriately attired and in the right frame of mind, we will probably still make fun of you all day.)

Okay kids. The Big Day starts in about 14 hours, and I’m looking forward to it in a whole new way. You’re about to see humanity at its odd best. Get ready for a silly, whacky, very friendly, free-for-all, life-preserving break-from-reality sort of day. 

If we couldn’t laugh, we would go insane.

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The Winners’ Circle Dear Nancy Pelosi,

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Ken Jordan  |  August 12, 2010 at 3:11 am

    I say…
    Buy a t-shirt and show’em wear ya been.
    While you’re at it show’em your tits.
    Number 8 belongs after the words “thou shalt not kill”.
    If you have to be an asshole – make it memorable for everyone but yourself.
    Have fun, take care, hang loose,
    From your best friend in the world Bill Murray!


  • 2. Alecia  |  August 12, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I haven’t been to a concert in years and hadn’t really missed it. Until now. This REALLY makes me want to go. :-(

    Thanks for passing on the ground rules to the next generation! (#9a-d are the most important lessons to learn)

    I hope you all have a great time!



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