Begin Anywhere

January 7, 2010 at 1:55 pm 6 comments

There is more interesting stuff on the outside of my refrigerator than on the inside.

Outside there are magnets, quotes, a poem called “Earl” by Louis Jenkins, the warped humor of Happy Bunny and Goodbye Kitty, photos of my family, and a prayer of protection for my little house (provided by a dear aunt after the Ford 350 van made an unplanned left into my bathroom–but that’s another story).

Inside there’s juice, water, condiments, olives (to go with the vodka, which is about the only thing in the freezer), bread, maybe eggs, usually one or two pieces of fruit and/or vegetable that may be fresh or shriveled to an unidentifiable state, and generally some container of odd leftover something.

TANGENTIAL ADVICE. Mac and cheese is one of the truly great comfort foods and may even have magical properties of healing, happiness, and goodwill. But magic has its price. Mac and cheese is also thee stinkiest food gone bad. If you discover a container in your ‘fridge that has lurked beyond its expiration, do not–I repeat, do not–(no really, don’t) open it and smell it. Throw. It. Away. Oh, yes, container, too. I don’t care if it is your best piece of Tupperware. Either it’s a goner or you are. Trust me on this.

Okay, the point I was headed for is the outside of the refrigerator, which is cluttered. I couldn’t tell you why exactly, but I need these reminders. Words and pictures. Touchstones. Things to make me laugh. Things to make me think. Things to help me focus on what matters most in life. Bits of inspiration. Colorful, odd, beautiful, quirky flotsam (i.e., little life preservers).

This morning, the thing that caught my eye was the front of a greeting card that I had cut and hung. It says simply and profoundly: Begin anywhere.

It would likely be more profound had I hung this for the New Year. But, to be honest, it’s been hanging there for most of 2009. (Life is rarely logical or all that linear and, quite often, a long and winding road precedes the starting line.)

But. Here I am. Beginning a blog with almost no idea what the heck I’m doing. Note: If anyone actually sees this, tips and suggestions (low-tech, kind language preferred) are welcome.

Today, tell me about the most interesting thing inside or on the outside of your refrigerator.

Entry filed under: Life Preservers. Tags: , , .

Overnight Fun Night

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. patty  |  January 8, 2010 at 7:08 am

    The most interesting thing is in my freezer. Its a twinkie wrapped in a gift box that i gave to my sister on her 40th birthday. Which she returned on mine. more of a life preservative i guess – i intend to return it to her on her 50th, and as she is nothing if not a pracitioner of ritual, i expect it will go on this way until one of us is buried with it. (having written that i now know for certain she will sneak a twinkie in my coffin – even if she goes first)


  • 2. WritingbyEar  |  January 8, 2010 at 7:48 am

    Welcome! Happy to say I now know 3 (whole) bloggers personally! As for the fridge…Outside: The “Dull women have immaculate houses.” magnet. Inside: The emergency bottle of Jagermeister (dangerously low).


  • 3. Coolio  |  January 10, 2010 at 12:49 am

    On the outside is a smiley button on the fridge.
    In the freezer is way too much chicken, I dont know why I feel the need to buy pounds and pounds of chicken everytime I go to the store.
    Blue Maui, Peach Snapps, Orange Vodka also in the freezer.

    In my fridge you will always find grape jelly, eggs hot bananna peppers and 2%.


  • 4. Mega  |  January 14, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    I’m a little late. I am not sure there is much in my fridge that is interesting. I’m hungry so that makes it all very much less interesting, true? How about…squaric acid…medicine for warts my son had on his hand (they are thankfully gone now!)


  • 5. Ruth  |  January 15, 2010 at 5:21 am

    always on the inside: beer, milk, eggs, beer, assorted veggies, condiments

    more often than not on the inside: wine (opened, of course…now a days, not so much bottles as boxes of wine);

    Outside on the front::
    1) most recent school pix of my niece and nephews (note to my sister-in-law–I need new ones of the gang!);
    2) ANY photo that was included in the Christmas cards received;
    3) head shot wedding photo during our first dance;
    4) a prayer that my Aunt Mame had kept in her purse;
    5) The Chinese symbol for life (given to me by my niece –it is done in gold pain on red construction paper).
    6) Dragon boating magnet: “dragons do it in the water”–with great artwork by my teammate, Bebe.
    7) Assorted magnets.

    Side of Fridge:
    1) grocery shopping list
    2) recipe card for pierogi
    3) too small to read 2010 calendar

    ….in other words, many life preservers!!!!


  • 6. victoriadrewa  |  April 18, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    The most valuable thing in our fridge is food. Any food. Anything that is edible will be eaten in our household! LOL :)



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